Doodle Analysis

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Doodle is basically about scribbling aimlessly without thinking about what you are doing. Majority of us doodle without even knowing the meaning of what we draw.

It’s fun and totally therapeutic, but did you know that what you are scribbling in the corner of your spiral notebook can actually reveal a deep truth about who you are?All those doodles you draw while talking over the phone or listening to a boring conference actually show your character or mental state. For instance , those who doodle numbers, think about money. Either you are thinking over the ways to earn more, or ways to pay off debts. 

Squares, diamonds, triangles show clear goals and strong opinions. These shapes are usually drawn by people who are used to express their point of view.

What you’ll Learn :

  • You will learn what different doodles mean
  • You will learn how to analyze doodles
  • You will get a Quick Doodle Test to use as Ice breakers in different events 

After the Course you will :

–  understand the different benefits of doodlings like stress release , paying attention etc

–  It will help you understand and use this method especially as an ice breaker in events or with children 

Testimonials : Not yet